Monday, June 11, 2007

Presto Starto

I'm making Presto Changos. Designed by our very own, wonderful Valerie.

More details and pictures on my blog.


Kristen said...

Jean! What beautiful work! It's really fun to see this sweater taking shape in several places at once. I can't wait to try Valerie's cool pattern myself!

So, I can't seem to e-mail you directly. Could you e-mail me (kriket (at) mac (dot) com) with an address where I can send your piddleloop bag? Thanks!

YarnThing said...

I am starting this same pattern tomorrow! I purchased some great yarn for the project! When I get a chance I will take pics and let Val see.

Hey, did you all see that there is a flickr page for the Presto Chango!
